The Project
The ENTREpreneurial skills in the PUBLic sector: a digital approach (ENTREPUBL) project aims at the development of entrepreneurial thinking in the public sector in the European area. More specifically, the project seeks to develop a comprehensive training path to enable public servants to think differently about their role in the organization, handling problems and challenges as potential opportunities while seeing themselves as active contributors to the organisation they work, thus developing their ‘sense of initiative and entrepreneurship’ in their work. Furthermore, focus is given on practices to implement digital solutions that can improve the operational efficiency of public institutions. In order to achieve that, the project partners will engage VET trainers and VET providers, so as to design an educational package that meets the needs of public sector employees with regards to digital skills development focused on entrepreneurial learning to be offered by VET educators and in general trainers of public institutions.
Our Goals
ENTREPUBL assumes that being entrepreneurial is not a linear process, instead is a way of thinking, being and doing in everyday work-life and it is something that can be learned. By debunking myths that entrepreneurship education is only addressed to people who wish to start their own business, public employees will be empowered to alter their attitude towards entrepreneurial thinking and learn how to employ entrepreneurial actions to improve services offered to the citizens but also to advance their professional development.

Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the granting authority. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.