Road to Bologna: a transnational training to bring VET trainers on board
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From the 13th to the 15th of June 2023 Bologna will host the VET experts transnational training of the EntrePubl project.
The event will be an occasion to test the methodology and the curriculum that were developed to support the upskilling processes of public servants, while improving the coherency and robustness of the conceived training framework.
Finally, the meeting will be the chance to create a network of VET professionals that can share future experiences for the transferability and replicability of the training programme itself.
Setting the foundations in the “city of towers”
From the 13th to the 15th of June 2023, Bologna, also known as the “city of towers”, will host an EntrePubl onboarding session designed for VET trainers representing the six partner countries of the project.
C.O. Gruppo, one of the members of EntrePubl, will oversee hosting and organising the event, in the collaboration with the all the other partners.
The three-days session will be an opportunity to lay the foundations for the following dissemination phase of the project, which is intended to improve public servants responsiveness, by focusing on entrepreneurial and digital skills.
This “train-the-trainer” event will cover all the main aspects of the EntrePubl project, with special attention to:
- The main EU frameworks from which EntrePubl develops, namely EntreComp and DigComp.
- The methodology, how modules were conceived, contextualised, and adapted to the countries’ needs and how they will be delivered.
- The training modules description, especially in terms of learning objectives and expected outcomes.
- The technologies and learning spaces available online for VET trainers and learners.
- The final assessment and the certification processes.
Brick by brick
The EntrePubl curriculum is a learning path made up of eight modules:
- Creativity: develop & experiment ideas.
- Ethical and sustainable thinking: assess consequences/impact of ideas for society.
- Self-awareness and self-efficacy: build on your strengths to create value.
- Taking the initiative: initiate value creation.
- Working with others: develop empathy, team up and collaborate.
- Mobilizing resources: manage resources creatively and responsibly.
- Financial Literacy.
Every partner is responsible for the design and development of one single module and to review one of the partner’s works.
The June 2023 event in Bologna will be the result of several preliminary activities.
After the Local Labs experience of December 2022 and January 2023, all the feedback were collected and wrapped up into a final report that was shared with the partners.
This feedback useful to assess the first partner’s ideas of module design with the opinions of VET trainers and public servants coming from the six countries and collected during the Local Labs. The rationale behind was to develop modules that could be as coherent as possible with the countries contexts and learning needs.
Partners will have time until May to develop a module proposal, pointing out the learning objective, the expected outcomes, and the course map, to make it review to the partner assigned and fix it accordingly.
Up to the top
In sum, the transnational training will be an opportunity to test the effectiveness, the appeal, and the general coherency of the EntrePubl curriculum, by collecting feedback from professionals with recognised expertise in the VET field.
VET trainers, in return, will gain new training insights on some new and useful training topics. Every trainer, as usual, will then have the chance to contextualise and adapt the learning content according to the organisational needs.
Suggestions arising from the activities will help improving the curriculum robustness before starting the dissemination activities.
Finally, the on-site networking among the VET trainers will help creating a supporting community to share experiences and improvements on the whole project lifecycle.
Authors: Riccardo Crosara and Elena Romanini, C.O. Gruppo for EntrePubl