Digital Competences: a must for modern people
In today’s digital age, among the many competences people have and develop, it’s essential to have the necessary digital related competences to be able to function effectively in modern society. The European Union has developed a framework for assessing digital competences known as DigComp. In this article, we’ll explore what DigComp is, its importance, and how it can be applied.

Photo by Antoni Shkraba | Pexels
What is DigComp?
DigComp is short for ‘Digital Competence Framework for Citizens’, it is a reference framework that defines digital competences for citizens. It is designed to help individuals, educational institutions, and organisations in Europe to assess and develop their digital competences. The framework defines five areas of digital competence, which include:
- Information and data literacy
- Communication and collaboration
- Digital content creation
- Safety
- Problem-solving
Why is DigComp important?
In today’s digital world, digital competences are becoming increasingly important in almost every aspect of life, including work, education, and social interactions. The demand for digital skills is growing rapidly, and individuals and organisations need to keep up with this trend to stay relevant and competitive.
In the competence model, the way to define a competence is related to four dimensions: attitudes, knowledge, skills, and behaviours. The harmonious blending of all four of these aspects define in people a competence.
With this in mind DigComp provides a common reference point for assessing digital competences across Europe, which is essential for harmonising digital skills development in the region. It also helps individuals to identify their strengths and weaknesses in digital competences, and to develop strategies for improving their skills.
How can DigComp be applied?
DigComp can be applied in various ways, depending on the needs of the user. For individuals, it can be used to self-assess their digital competences and to identify areas that need improvement. Educational institutions can use DigComp to develop curricula that integrate digital competences into various subjects, and to assess students’ digital competences. Organisations can also use DigComp to assess the digital competences of their employees and to develop training programmes to improve their skills.
DigComp can also be used as a tool for policy development at the national and European levels. It can help policymakers to identify areas where digital skills are lacking and to develop strategies for improving them. It can also help to monitor progress in digital skills development and to evaluate the impact of policies and programs.
Summarising, DigComp is a framework that defines digital competences for citizens in Europe. It is an essential tool for assessing and developing digital skills in individuals, educational institutions, and organisations. As digital skills become increasingly important in today’s society, DigComp provides a common reference point for harmonising digital skills development in Europe. Its application is diverse, ranging from personal self-assessment to national and European policy development. It is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to improve their digital skills or to promote digital skills development in their organisation or country.
Photo by Antoni Shkraba: